Cut-copy-paste in Vim

2013 Aug 06

I love Vim, but I also have Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V permanently burned into my brain. Can we consolidate these two worlds? Yes! Mostly.

mswin.vim is distributed with Vim and offers some hints, but it brings a bit of extra baggage, and still doesn’t behave as I’d expect. Instead, I am doing the following:

vnor <C-X> "+x
vnor <C-C> "+y
inor <C-V> <C-O>:set paste<CR><C-R>+<C-O>:set nopaste<CR>
vnor <C-V> :<C-U>set paste<CR>gvc<C-R>+<C-O>:set nopaste<CR><ESC>

For me, at least, this scheme offers the best tradeoffs with the least surprise.

Cut and copy are just using the + clipboard register, and paste is just doing <C-R>+ (see :h i_ctrl-r) in between paste/nopaste to preserve the text without having Vim reformat it. Ugly, but it works.